Most new-age companies use React for web development

HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are crucial components of web development and user interfaces. HTML is a markup language that structures the layout of web pages, defining elements such as headers, text, and sidebars. CSS is a style sheet language that adds style to web elements, including fonts, colors, and spacing. JavaScript is a programming language that enables interactions between web pages and users, such as search bars and form submissions.

As web applications became more complex, new tools and libraries emerged to accelerate web development and management. One of these libraries is React, developed by Facebook engineer Jordan Walke to simplify the management of elements on Facebook’s own page. In 2013, Facebook made React open source, resulting in its widespread adoption and making it the most popular JavaScript library available. Consequently, the demand for React developers has increased significantly.


Kiran Abburi, founder of Neostack and organizer of React Bangalore, the largest React community in the world with 13,000 members, explains that many companies, including Flipkart, Myntra, and RazorPay, have adopted React. These companies often approach React communities seeking guidance on hiring React developers, who are also well-compensated for their expertise. Abburi further emphasizes the importance of practical experience in React development, suggesting that building small applications using React during college or engaging in open-source projects can be beneficial for aspiring React developers. Such projects provide tangible evidence of an individual’s coding abilities, and they may even grow to become popular libraries, as in Kiran’s case with React Slick, which has 40 million downloads and sees regular increases in downloads.


Ultimately, both Abburi and Rahul Sawant, the lead for frontend development at Antstack, agree that HTML, CSS, and JavaScript knowledge serves as a solid foundation for learning React and that practical experience is crucial for securing React development opportunities.